Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yawn, Yawn

Today is my first day shift after working graveyards for 3-months. What a shock to the body. The one thing I can look forward to is that I will be asleep tonight.

Things have been pretty quiet around the campus for me. I have had an occasional meeting but really haven't been around too much. The July 4th parade is coming along nicely. We have been getting some student volunteers and their families advising that they can help hand out water. A big thanks to the Lakepoint McDonalds who donated two cases of water and to Tooele Maceys that gave us a huge discount on the remaining water we needed. We will be handing out over 1200 bottles of water between the two parades. That seems like a lot now, but I am sure it will go really fast. If you are still interested in volunteering contact me via email.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I don't want to even think about it

After two years of school I was feeling a little burned out and decided to take summer semester off. I have had one month of not having homework or a class on my daily agenda. Needless to say, it has been nice. I need to start looking at the Fall class schedule and decide which classes I am going to take, but I don't want to even think about it. If I can get anything across to those recent high-school graduates, stay in school. Finish your college education before you have a full-time job, kids, and a house. I really wish I knew everything back when I thought I knew everything. Oh well, the journey will be worth it in the end.

P.S. We still need some volunteers for the 4th of July parades. We are going to have walkers handing out bottle water before the parade starts. If you can help in the Tooele or Grantsville parade please email me at or contact Suzanne at the campus.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kids are out of school

Today was the first day the kids are out of school for the summer. I can already tell it is going to be a long week. I told my 7 year old that he needs to be dressed by 10am and he just can't understand why I made such a dumb rule. I personally can't stand having the kids sit in front of a TV all day long so I tell them to go outside and play around 11am. It was a beautiful day and I was just heading out to do some yard work. Finally after about 30 minutes of them sitting on the deck looking bored, I told them that if I have to entertain them all summer I will start the day with a list of chores to complete. Jeez, these kids were so excited for summer break but when it arrives they have no idea what to do.
Hopefully tomorrow they will have it figured out.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fourth of July Parade

Attention Students----

This year the Tooele campus is participating in the 4th of July parades for Tooele and Grantsville. We need students that need service hours or just want to come out and
support their campus to volunteer. Volunteers will be walking along the parade route handing out bottles of water to spectators.

If you and your family are interested in assisting please contact me via email or facebook (USU Tooele group page).

We would like to have separate volunteer groups for each parade. Please let me know which parade you would like to help with.

July 3rd.
Tooele -- Parade starts 9am
Grantsville -- Parade starts 11am

We also need a truck that we can decorate for the Tooele parade.

Thanks in advance for your support...