Wednesday, December 23, 2009
One, Two, Three, Break!
Now that the semester is over, I am trying to enjoy the break as I hope all of you are too. My way of relaxing is having some fun with family and friends. One of the things I like to do in my spare time is play volleyball on Wednesday nights. A group of friends my age get to together and try to play what we hope has some semblance to a game of spirited volleyball. Trying to rally back and forth we get a little competitive, but sometimes we have to take a break because we are all laughing so hard from a silly mistake someone has made. I know I am not the only one enjoying the time off. Some of the other USU Tooele Students “dive” right into the fun, Brannan Ekins, Patrick Buhr, and others who have been attending USU Tooele are also enjoying the time off to play some volleyball this week.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
USU Tooele Students Give a Gift for Christmas
The re-entry representative, Sherena Huntsman, and others came together during this season to give a gift to the community. USU Tooele students gave a free child care service for the night. Parents dropped their children off not really knowing what we had planned, but trusted that their children would enjoy all the surprises we had in store. The night went fantastic. All the children started the night off by coloring a few pictures until everyone arrived. Once all the children were present, we split the children into three groups so they could rotate to three different activities. One activity was making ornaments for the tree along with creating a winter scene with cotton balls and chalk. The second activity was decorating their own cookie with frosting and sprinkles. Also, using hand paint to build their own personal reindeer. The third activity was making a Santa Claus with a chain like beard. I enjoyed sitting with the kids enjoying some pizza, vegetables, and fruit for dinner. After dinner we got to do a little hall-way bowling and at the end of the night we all watched a Muppet Christmas movie while eating popcorn. In reality I thought we had a magnificent group of children and a brilliant night full of fun. I hope this is an activity we can do in years to come. I hope all the parents enjoyed their time. I want to thank all the students that volunteered their time to make this night successful.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Children's Campus for Christmas- A GET-A-WAY NIGHT
A "Get-A-Way" night for parents of the community is a gift we are giving this year for Christmas. For those parents that might need to do last minute shopping, wrap the gifts, or need a little time for themselves this is definitely for you. A Free Service project is being given to the families of Tooele County. USU Tooele Students are providing workshops, dinner, crafts, games, movies, and snacks for your children.
- Wednesday, December 16th from 5pm to 9pm
- USU Campus 1021 W Vine Street Tooele, Utah
- Ages 3-11
- Registration is done by e-mailing (registration will be accepted through Dec. 15th)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Grantsville Dance Helps in the Coat Drive
I just want to thank Grantsville Dance in being the grand finale in the Coat Drive this year. Many people donated coats as they entered the forum of Grantsville High School tonight to watch the annual dance recital. I really want to thank all those that helped USU Tooele Regional Campus assist those in the community that are in need as this time. The coats are going to a great cause and are very appreciated. There are no real words that can describe my gratefulness in being able to help others on my birthday. I know I have said this many times before but again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your help this year. To show of the success the picture will show the majority of the items we were able to collect this year. More then 3 huge boxes were full of blankets and warm clothing. It was perfect!

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tooele Parade
The annual Christmas Parade was so much fun this year as students, faculty, and their relatives gathered together. Starting with a huge box we started to hand out candy canes to all those children standing on the streets with their families.
I want to thank all those that participated in this event to make it as excited and fun as it was. Running together trying to keep up with the parade was fun exercise for the day. Thank you!
I want to thank all those that participated in this event to make it as excited and fun as it was. Running together trying to keep up with the parade was fun exercise for the day. Thank you!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
USU Tooele Winter Service Project "Coat Drive"
The Tooele Transcript did a wonderful job describing our goal this year regarding the coat drive. As Randi and I were contemplating what we could do as a school for a service project to help the community, I again thought of our school district and the children in need that do not have warm clothing for the winter. Randi works for the dispatch office and she thought of the women's shelter and their need of warm clothing as well. Our goal is to rally together and collect a variety of useful coats. The coat drive is going from Nov. 30, 2009 to Dec. 11, 2009. If you would like to assist in this cause please feel free to drop off items in the Christmas box at the Campus.

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