Monday, August 24, 2009


During the Fall, Utah State University takes up their arms, literally, in a blood battle against the University of Utah in a competition to collect the most pints of blood to assist those in need. The American Red Cross blood drive will be held at the USU Tooele Campus, 1021 W. Vine St., Tooele, UT on August 31st from 4pm to 9pm. Everyone get the word out. We want the arms of many donors who are willing to donate the gift of life. For appointments call Rachael Anderson @ 435-850-2582. Join the BATTLE.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Student Orientation

Hey Students,

Thank you for coming to New Student Orientation today. I hope you enjoyed meeting our new dean, Gary S. Straquadine, as well as meeting some of our faculty. I really think this year will be great. Don't be too frightened if this is your first time enrolling in college classes or for those of you coming back to school after a long time don't get too excited because everything has changed. Work really hard and you'll be great.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Student Rep Training - DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS?

During this week Randi and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to main campus to meet all of the other student reps from all the regional and extension campuses. It was so nice to meet everyone and hear tons of ideas. If you have any ideas to help out the campus feel free to e-mail us. We would love to hear from you.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Construction Is Coming to an End

Yay!!! Construction is almost done.  Rooms are numbered and ready for Fall semester.  Hopefully we will have maps emailed out to everyone soon.