AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I just climbed a tall mountain and let the stress release from my body. School hasn't even started yet. I need to buckle down and set up boundaries real quick so I can juggle only the balls that I need for the next few months and let the other ones fall for someone else to pick up.
USU Tooele Student Reps
Friday, August 13, 2010
Beginning to feel a little stressed out this week. I leave tomorrow morning for Virginia for work. Then I fly back Monday night, followed by a student rep training in Logan on Tues and Wed, followed by a lovely 12-hour shift at work on Thursday, followed by a work summer party that I am cooking for on Friday.. ..... ..... Wondering when I might be seeing my family again. Maybe I will send them a post card.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Back to School
A big SHOUT OUT to all the students that suffered through Summer semester, good job for sticking with it while the rest of us were out relaxing in the sun.
Time to get ready for Fall semester now. The bookstore is getting shipments of lots of books so make sure you are being proactive and getting your textbooks early.
We have a New Student Orientation scheduled at the USU Tooele Campus on August 25th at 6pm. If you are a new student or know of a knew student please be sure to let them know about it.
I hope to see everyone in a couple weeks.
Time to get ready for Fall semester now. The bookstore is getting shipments of lots of books so make sure you are being proactive and getting your textbooks early.
We have a New Student Orientation scheduled at the USU Tooele Campus on August 25th at 6pm. If you are a new student or know of a knew student please be sure to let them know about it.
I hope to see everyone in a couple weeks.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
It's all most over
Well, my summer came and went quicker than expected. Looking back, I feel like I made a good decision regarding taking the summer off to recoup. I really was beginning to feel overwhelmed. I am kinda excited to get back in the swing of things. I have really missed walking through the campus and seeing my fellow students.
I would like to take next summer off also but I really need the corporate finance class and they only offer that face-to-face in the summer. I think I need to really get that idea out of my head.
August is going to be crazy for me. I need to get my kids ready to get back to school, I am going out to Virginia for some training with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I need go up to Logan for some student rep. training, buy my textbooks, new student orientation, and then classes start. CRAZY!!! CRAZY!!!
At least I can look forward to September.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
USU College of Business Advisors
The USU Jon M. Hunstman School of Business advisors will be at the Tooele Campus on Wednesday, August 11th from 1-7pm. Please contact the front office for an appointment.
Tooele Regional Campus
Tooele Regional Campus
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Road Trip
Just got back from a road trip. It was awesome!!!! Covered about 2200 miles in 7 days. Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Big Sur, Carlsbad, and Vegas. My favorite part of the whole trip was Big Sur. It is like Yellowstone next to the ocean. I can't wait to get back there and spend a little more time. However, work was calling and it is time to get back to reality.
P.S. I want to give a huge THANK YOU to all the students and faculty that helped with the 4th of July parades.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Yawn, Yawn
Today is my first day shift after working graveyards for 3-months. What a shock to the body. The one thing I can look forward to is that I will be asleep tonight.
Things have been pretty quiet around the campus for me. I have had an occasional meeting but really haven't been around too much. The July 4th parade is coming along nicely. We have been getting some student volunteers and their families advising that they can help hand out water. A big thanks to the Lakepoint McDonalds who donated two cases of water and to Tooele Maceys that gave us a huge discount on the remaining water we needed. We will be handing out over 1200 bottles of water between the two parades. That seems like a lot now, but I am sure it will go really fast. If you are still interested in volunteering contact me via email.
Things have been pretty quiet around the campus for me. I have had an occasional meeting but really haven't been around too much. The July 4th parade is coming along nicely. We have been getting some student volunteers and their families advising that they can help hand out water. A big thanks to the Lakepoint McDonalds who donated two cases of water and to Tooele Maceys that gave us a huge discount on the remaining water we needed. We will be handing out over 1200 bottles of water between the two parades. That seems like a lot now, but I am sure it will go really fast. If you are still interested in volunteering contact me via email.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I don't want to even think about it
After two years of school I was feeling a little burned out and decided to take summer semester off. I have had one month of not having homework or a class on my daily agenda. Needless to say, it has been nice. I need to start looking at the Fall class schedule and decide which classes I am going to take, but I don't want to even think about it. If I can get anything across to those recent high-school graduates, stay in school. Finish your college education before you have a full-time job, kids, and a house. I really wish I knew everything back when I thought I knew everything. Oh well, the journey will be worth it in the end.
P.S. We still need some volunteers for the 4th of July parades. We are going to have walkers handing out bottle water before the parade starts. If you can help in the Tooele or Grantsville parade please email me at or contact Suzanne at the campus.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Kids are out of school
Today was the first day the kids are out of school for the summer. I can already tell it is going to be a long week. I told my 7 year old that he needs to be dressed by 10am and he just can't understand why I made such a dumb rule. I personally can't stand having the kids sit in front of a TV all day long so I tell them to go outside and play around 11am. It was a beautiful day and I was just heading out to do some yard work. Finally after about 30 minutes of them sitting on the deck looking bored, I told them that if I have to entertain them all summer I will start the day with a list of chores to complete. Jeez, these kids were so excited for summer break but when it arrives they have no idea what to do.
Hopefully tomorrow they will have it figured out.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Fourth of July Parade
Attention Students----
This year the Tooele campus is participating in the 4th of July parades for Tooele and Grantsville. We need students that need service hours or just want to come out and
support their campus to volunteer. Volunteers will be walking along the parade route handing out bottles of water to spectators.
If you and your family are interested in assisting please contact me via email or facebook (USU Tooele group page).
We would like to have separate volunteer groups for each parade. Please let me know which parade you would like to help with.
July 3rd.
Tooele -- Parade starts 9am
Grantsville -- Parade starts 11am
We also need a truck that we can decorate for the Tooele parade.
Thanks in advance for your support...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I want to start off by saying a great big "thank-you" to our outgoing president, Rachael Anderson. Rachael has given so much of her time and energy to our campus over the last three years, we will miss her.
Your new Tooele Campus student rep. is me, Randi Gamble. I have been going to school at the USU Tooele Campus for the past two years. Last year I served as the vice-president student rep. I am working towards a bachelors degree in accounting and then I plan on enrolling in a masters program.
I work full time for the Tooele County Sheriff's Office as a Dispatch Sgt. I have worked there for 13 years. I really enjoy the job because you never know what kind of day you are going to have. The shift work can be exhausting sometimes, and working the holidays when everyone else is home with their families is difficult, but there are so many other parts of the job that I love. I have three kids- a 17 year-old daughter, and two sons 14 and 7 years old.
I stay pretty busy between work, school, and home. The only thing that helps me maintain everything is the support of my family and staying organized.
Enough about me for now. I hope everyone has a great summer and I will keep you posted on upcoming events.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Aggie Day Event could not have been any better. Thank you to the alumni, staff, and students that helped make this event one to remember. We had over 400 people attend this amazing event. Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Kevin (USU Tooele Alumni Vice President for Athletics) helped with basketball games like AGGIES also known as horse. We enjoyed a castle bounce house and big slide.
Craig (alumni association rep. from main campus) and Gary (Dean of USU Tooele)

Myself (Rachael 2009-2010 USU Tooele President) and Randi Gamble (2009-2010 VP and 2010-2010 USU Tooele President)
Biggest Splash Contest
Monday, May 3, 2010
Aggie Day Event!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Finals are just around the corner and I am sure life is crazy. I just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck with all their testing. Don't be nervous I am sure everyone will do great! I say not to be nervous but I will have to admit I am a little nervous myself. I have to pass the math placement test to get into the STATS 1040 for this summer. Wish me luck as well and hopefully we can pass all the tests that are coming our way together.
Monday, April 19, 2010
USU Tooele Graduation
Graduation is Thursday April 22, 2010 at 7pm at Tooele High School. I just wanted to take a quick second and congratulate all of those students that are graduating this Thursday. You all have done an amazing job by putting forth the effort to get your degree. I hope that you feel that those late nights of homework have finally paid off. I am proud of all of you and want to wish all of you the best future whether that be continuing your education or working hard at your occupation. Again, congratulations Class of 2010.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Insurance for USU Students
I know because of the economy right now many students are without insurance. I just wanted to let all the students know about “First Student Insurance." Go to to view and sign-up for discounted insurance benefits. You can join by going to Utah State University Enrollment Form and filling it out. You can view the details online. This is a great opportunity to get insurances and I suggest it if you have no insurance at this time.
Monday, April 12, 2010
New Math Tutor
We have a new math tutor so be sure to look at the details below to contact him for the extra help you need.
R-Jay Wilde
Tuesday- 7-10
Friday 5-8
Saturday 9-11
R-Jay Wilde
Tuesday- 7-10
Friday 5-8
Saturday 9-11
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thank You Blood Drive Participants
I just wanted to thank everyone that participated in our blood drive last Friday. Also, I wanted to congratulate USU Tooele for winning the Regional Campus Blood Drive Competition. Thanks to all those that participated to help Tooele get the big “W”. Remember to help out again next year so we can defend our winning record.
The final numbers from the blood battle are below:
Brigham City
Enrollment- 2353
1.827 -%
Enrollment- 789
2.788 -%
Uintah Basin
1.325 -%
The final numbers from the blood battle are below:
Brigham City
Enrollment- 2353
1.827 -%
Enrollment- 789
2.788 -%
Uintah Basin
1.325 -%
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Annual Blood Drive
Monday, March 15, 2010
2010 Census
I want to remind students that filling out the Census Report is fast, safe and needed for funding in our area. The Census forms will be mailed out soon so hurry and take 10 minutes to take care of this matter. Those first 20 students that come to the front desk and report that they have completed their Census Form and have it mailed it in, will receive a prize. The prizes are Census bags and cups.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Volunteers needed for Clean Up!
Saturday, March 20th; beginning at 10:00 am
The Tooele County Chamber of Commerce will begin the clean-up process on our newly acquired building located at 154 South Main, Tooele.
(old Tooele Clinic building)
This project will be coordinated with our great volunteers from Wal-Mart Logistics! A special thanks to Jeff Loafman for his coordinating efforts!
We will begin removing the old carpet from the building and are asking volunteers to bring gloves, square mouth shovels and any other equipment that might be useful.
Weather permitting, we may also be working on outside clean-up.
Give us a call at the Chamber office and let us know if you are willing to help! 435-882-0690
Thank you for your great service and support of the Chamber!
The Tooele County Chamber of Commerce will begin the clean-up process on our newly acquired building located at 154 South Main, Tooele.
(old Tooele Clinic building)
This project will be coordinated with our great volunteers from Wal-Mart Logistics! A special thanks to Jeff Loafman for his coordinating efforts!
We will begin removing the old carpet from the building and are asking volunteers to bring gloves, square mouth shovels and any other equipment that might be useful.
Weather permitting, we may also be working on outside clean-up.
Give us a call at the Chamber office and let us know if you are willing to help! 435-882-0690
Thank you for your great service and support of the Chamber!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Do you want to be the New Student Body Vice President?
USU Tooele is now accepting applications for the USU Tooele Campus Student Representative. This is a two year commitment with tuition waiver. Applications are due March 31, 2010. The position description and application form is on the main Tooele home page under the “Scholarship” link. Please see the Front Desk or your advisor if you have any questions.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Why I LOVE being a USU Tooele Student
I was just thinking today how lucky I am to be able to go to the USU Tooele Regional Campus. The reason for me thinking this is because of one of my classes this semester. The professor has helped me by first of all not dropping the class because I was the only one that signed up. Second, my professor has set it up where I have been able to go on job shadows with the people in my field. This has really helped me see what occupation would really fit me and what I would be passionate about doing for my career. Third, I have been able to do some networking to help me in this field for the future. Really I am not sure if you could really have a class like this any other place than USU Tooele. I love the small classroom sizes and the wonderful professors. Again, I count myself a lucky student.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Blue Rock Run- 5K
The Blue Rock Run will be here before you know it. On March 20, 2010 we will be having a race that begins at 8am (walkers) and 8:30am (runners). Be sure to pick up a registration form at the USU Tooele Campus. I would suggest to register before the race day but they will accept registration forms the day of the race from 7am to 7:45am. The price to enter is $15 which all proceeds benefit the USU Tooele Scholarship Fund. Come join the run!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Brown Bag Event: Stress Management
Are you feeling stressed? If so this brown bag event is for you. Bring your lunch to the school on...Wednesday, Feb. 24th at 12pm in Room 159 to learn how to manage your stress better.
Free Aggie Ice cream will be included.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
NEW: USU Tooele Writing Lab
I have always struggled with English and I really think this new writing lab will help. Students don't be afraid to check it out either.
Monday-Thursday 5-8pm
Room 114
Maren Petersen:
Erica Hatch:
Writing Lab FAQ’s
What is the goal of the Writing Lab?
To create better writers, not just better papers. Our focus is on content, organization, and clarity.
Do I have to be in an English class to use the lab?
No. Regardless of the class or ability level, it is always a good idea to have another set of eyes look over your papers. Also, the lab is FREE to all USU students.
How do I make an appointment?
Make appointments on the sign-up sheet at the front desk or call 882-6611. Walk-ins welcome when we are not busy.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Bring a copy of your paper, the assignment details, and any specific questions.
What else do you offer?
Help with research, including the online library, citations, brainstorming, and grammar concepts.
Monday-Thursday 5-8pm
Room 114
Maren Petersen:
Erica Hatch:
Writing Lab FAQ’s
What is the goal of the Writing Lab?
To create better writers, not just better papers. Our focus is on content, organization, and clarity.
Do I have to be in an English class to use the lab?
No. Regardless of the class or ability level, it is always a good idea to have another set of eyes look over your papers. Also, the lab is FREE to all USU students.
How do I make an appointment?
Make appointments on the sign-up sheet at the front desk or call 882-6611. Walk-ins welcome when we are not busy.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Bring a copy of your paper, the assignment details, and any specific questions.
What else do you offer?
Help with research, including the online library, citations, brainstorming, and grammar concepts.
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